
Flow-through Components

创建于 2024-04-14 / 6
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Flow-through Components

Flow-through Components are components such as bends, tees, flanges, etc.

Each connection on a component needs an INPUT_POINT, an OUTPUT_POINT and an OUTPUT_AXIS.

The requirements apply to the flow-through components, i.e. components placed between pipes and through which a medium flows.






A tee can be attached to a pipe in three ways.

Therefore there are three input and three output points.

Each connection must have an INPUT_POINT, an OUTPUT_POINT and an OUTPUT_AXIS.

Tee prepared for use in Smap3D Piping contains 6 coordinate systems altogether (3x INPUT_POINT and 3x OUTPUT_POINT) and 3 axes (3x Output_AXIS).






 The x-axis of each coordinate system must always point in the direction of the input or output.

 For the detailed information about coordinate systems and axes see the Definitions chapter of this help.

 The proper coordinate systems and axes as well as the CSInfo can be created easily using Coordinate System Wizard.



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