
Step 1 - Reading Pipeline Data

创建于 2024-04-14 / 10
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Step 1 - Reading Pipeline Data

The first step in the Smap3D PipeFab Connector serves to select the source data for generating PCF file.


As data source can be selected following:

·   Active assembly - an assembly currently opened and active in SOLIDWORKS. To get correct results, the current state of the assembly should be saved before selecting it as data source.


·   Assembly file - SOLIDWORKS (*.sldasm) assembly file stored on file system.


·   SIWF file (*.siwf) - Smap3D Pipefab Connector native file format. Such a file can be created by saving the pipeline data in Step 2.


Files can be selected via browse dialog or from the list of recent files below. 


When a source data is selected you can get to the next step by selecting Next or create PCF file directly (using the current settings in Smap3D PipeFab Connector Options) by selecting Finish.






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